Jul 21, 2016 | #runDisney, DisneyWorld, Epcot F&W, Restaurants, Tastings
Not one to be thwarted by waking up at 2 am or running 13.1 (plus another 6.2) miles, I will not let a little thing like runDisney moving my favorite race to the morning (making it no longer my favorite race) ruin my Food & Wine plans. We made it through two rounds of booking and have a schedule fit for a very fat lush runner! Here we go…
Mar 31, 2016 | Food, Restaurants, Tastings
We finally made it over to Culture Club Cheese Bar in Capitol Hill to enjoy our Kickstarter awards. Two pairings. I chose white and Ricky chose red.
Aug 6, 2015 | Tastings
It took us longer to drive to Lummi Islands’ Willow Inn for dinner on July 9 than it would have for us to fly to eat at Daniel Patterson’s Coi in San Francisco, but we had given our dinner over to the Gelinaz Shuffle. I will admit that felt slightly cheated as chefs from around the world switched countries; not to say the food wasn’t amazing, which it was from start to finish–all 17 courses.
Jul 28, 2015 | DisneyWorld, Epcot F&W, Food, Tastings
It’s my least favorite time of the year, when reservations open for Epcot Food & Wine Festival in November. Today was the pre-sale for Chase Disney Visa Cardholders and regular booking opens later this week. I managed to score reservations for the new Japanese Craft Beer Tasting and our old standby the Mexican Tequila Lunch, which we have not missed since they started.