3 10ks in 3 Weeks

Tomorrow is the first of the three 10ks in three weeks. AND the third one is the first half of the Dumbo Double Dare. What was I thinking? I should have added a fourth!

Color Me Rad 5k recap

Color Me Rad 5k recap

This recap won’t take very long to write. The race was a ridiculous mess. I signed up with several people as a team for the 9:20 wave. I ran with Artboy and couldn’t have been done fast enough.


You can be part of a team

I’m not a Team Challenge mentor. Not because I don’t want to guide people to awesome, but because I travel and race a lot. I will, for instance, miss the first five practices because I will be racing or out of town racing. Can’t mentor when I’m absent.

Still, I have to encourage you to be part of Team Challenge Northwest running in Vegas.


Ballard Night Out

I know, it’s just Night Out, but it was Ballard I was running through huffing and puffing and sweating while everyone grilled up some goodies. I run in the evening. I was waiting for it to cool down a bit. I went out about 6:30 p.m. and weaved through dozens of Night Our block parties, missing my own block’s party, because I need to run. I have to run. I can’t make excuses. So that pink haired girl sweating like a hog as she ran through your block party would have liked a smile at least. Oh well, I got my running in. Poorly. It was not a good run, either physically or mentally. Tomorrow is another day!

Feeling exhausted

So I’m running again (If you can call it that) and practicing some race walking.  I also fell and scraped my hand and calf on the awesome sidewalks in my neighborhood. Ah well. I am taking it incredibly easy with one minute runs and one minute walks, keeping a light pace. I feel okay, actually I feel absolutely fine, but I am exhausted. It’s extremely draining. After three miles, I feel as if I ran 30. It will get better.

I was also thinking all this extra weight on me would slow me down in Norway, but after reading more blogs, I think it might keep me warm!