Sep 7, 2015 | Road to Medoc, Running
After a couple years of no falls, my count has reset: zero days since last fall. I won’t show you the nasty oozy bloody cut under the bandage, but it’s bad. I also hurt my ankle and my shoulder….but mostly I will be super sexy in Paris with scabby knees! This is what happens when you are thinking about food while running in Ballard. Stupid broken sidewalks with rocks embedded in cement.
Sep 3, 2015 | Food, Road to Medoc, Running, Travel
The Road to Medoc is coming to an end very soon. Welp! I leave for France in just a few days for a wine and run adventure like no other (and if you know of another, let me know!).
Aug 14, 2015 | Food, Running
So we have tart cherry trees, also called pie cherries by many, trees in our yard. I love tart cherries direct off the tree, so when people started getting excited about tart cherries a couple years ago, I paid attention. Just Tuesday, I ordered a bottle of Tart Cherry Juice in my Amazon Fresh order. But what should I do with it?
Aug 2, 2015 | Running, Travel
As I get ready to leave for another vacation planned around a race, I’m constantly having to explain that yes a Marathon in France is still 26 miles (26.2 miles is 42.2 kilometers in case you were wondering) and answer questions about why I would want to race in the middle of a vacation. My first destination race was also my first half marathon, so it set a precedent for every race that followed. How do you beat running the Strip in Las Vegas at night? Run all over the world of course!
Jul 29, 2015 | Running, Thought, Travel
We’re halfway through Summer vacation and it’s time to get out of town if you haven’t already. But depending on your race schedule, you are probably somewhere in the midst of training for a late Summer or Fall race, and traveling and running don’t always mix. But that family vacation or dream trip to Paris doesn’t have to kill your hopes of a PR.
Jul 19, 2015 | Running
For the past few years, I have chosen a plant-based training diet. It worked. I felt strong and motivated. It just worked. My few forays into accidental meat eating pre-race sent me running to the bathrooms instead of a PR. This year has been different, more of an as much meat as I can stand diet!