May 26, 2015 | Running
This speed training I picked up from the Internet, most likely this Runner’s World article. It’s on the Treadmill, which I know most people dread, but I actually enjoy. I don’t enjoy mind-numbingly long runs on it, but I do enjoy using it for interval and incline training–short fun sessions. I don’t know what this workout is really called, but I put Treadmill Incline on my training tracking spreadsheet.
May 22, 2015 | Running
Last night, the Seattle Marathon Twitter chat (#RunSeattleChat) was about picking up speed to avoid the 90 Bridge Bus. That, by the way, is my goal for both the RnR and the Seattle Marathon: don’t get picked up before crossing the bridge. One of the questions was about speed work; now this is my favorite topic, basically because its the only time I really enjoy running. So with inspiration pushing me ahead, I figured I’d share some of my favorite speed sessions. (What, I’m starting a blog series!?!?)
May 18, 2015 | Road to Medoc, Running
Race two of the new season went better than race one with the exception of a toe I slammed on a bench the night before. I woke up with a swollen bruised, very broken toe. Running funny on a broken toe made my calf stiffen up and made my gait a little crazy. (more…)
May 13, 2015 | Road to Medoc, Running
I’m not the best at training. I skip runs. I walk when I should be running. I stop and take photos. I do lots of things that have very little to making myself a better runner. That’s why I sign up for so may races, so that I’m forced to run.
Jan 28, 2015 | #runDisney, Running, Travel
I could write a recap, but it was four days of running and it was cold and then hot and then cold and then hot, and there were Disney things. I rode Expedition Everest during the half–achievement unlocked. So because who needs another recap, I share just the photos.
Dec 5, 2014 | Running

You won’t get many pictures because it rained on Friday, no it sleeted and dumped buckets on Friday morning, and my phone died. I hadn’t done a cloud backup in a while. So yeah that’s Quadzuki 2014 for you. That’s me above at the Seattle Ghost.