$11,000 for CCFA! Thank You

That is all. With your help, I raised somewhere around $11,000 for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. It’s hard to say how much exactly because with the departure of our Endurance Manager, also went the confirmed data. Ah well, I know what we did.


It’s been a while….

….yes, I know, it’s been a while. I have been absolutely swamped with work, running, and, well, work. It feels like I work more hours than I have available. I know you’re supposed to find the time to do whatever your heart desires, but sometimes that just doesn’t happen.


There’s no I in team

That’s probably why I run, instead of, say, play Soccer. I don’t have a competitive bone (or nerve) in my body, so having a team rely on me to play my best is kind of hilarious. (Just ask the Playboy softball team and all the losses we had because I never learned how to play catcher.) Plus, I don’t want to workout with people, on a schedule, or really near anyone. I don’t want to worry about what everyone else is doing. The thoughts in my head are way more than enough to keep me company.


You can be part of a team

I’m not a Team Challenge mentor. Not because I don’t want to guide people to awesome, but because I travel and race a lot. I will, for instance, miss the first five practices because I will be racing or out of town racing. Can’t mentor when I’m absent.

Still, I have to encourage you to be part of Team Challenge Northwest running in Vegas.


So it begins…

It’s August 1. And I went for a run. Sort of. I ran 1 minute and walked 1  minute, for three miles or so. It was okay.

  • Weight: 148.8
  • Pace: 14:20
  • Pain: Minimal
  • Days to Polar Night 1/2: 154
  • Days to next Race: 8

It can only get better.
