Jul 21, 2016 | #runDisney, DisneyWorld, Epcot F&W, Restaurants, Tastings
Not one to be thwarted by waking up at 2 am or running 13.1 (plus another 6.2) miles, I will not let a little thing like runDisney moving my favorite race to the morning (making it no longer my favorite race) ruin my Food & Wine plans. We made it through two rounds of booking and have a schedule fit for a very fat lush runner! Here we go…
Feb 11, 2016 | DFTW, DisneyWorld
Happy anniversary Artboy! We made it another year! That’s one year “married,” 9 years of partnered/unionized, and 11 years of love.
Feb 5, 2016 | DFTW, DisneyWorld
Artboy and I were together for 10 years before we had a big ol’ crazy wedding at WDW, so it seems a little crazy to celebrate our first anniversary. But in honor of the big day, I figured I’d share some more photos from our wedding at the Boardwalk Inn and the Great Movie Ride. That’s right, we got married at Walt Disney World inside a ride one year ago next Thursday!
Feb 2, 2016 | #runDisney, DisneyWorld, Running
It’s another installment of Tuesdays on the Run brought to you by the fine folks: Patty, Erika, and Marcia! This week’s topic is Spring Race Plans. As part of my STOP REGISTERING FOR RACES year, I only have three Spring Races planned.
Jan 26, 2016 | DisneyWorld, Racewalking, Running
As part of my returning to my roots in 2016, I said I was going to race more for charity. Well, I haven’t decided on a Team Challenge run yet for CCFA, but I am raising money for Noah’s Light Foundation as part of my Star Wars Darkside Challenge in April. I was already registered for this, so every dollar you donate goes directly to Noah’s Light. None of it supports my race habit or the expensive hotel rooms! I’ve got that part covered.
Nov 12, 2015 | #runDisney, DisneyWorld, Epcot F&W, Food, Running, Travel
I’ll answer the main question first: Disneyland! Where was I yesterday: San Diego. On Monday: Disneyworld. The week before: New York. It’s been a non-stop whirlwind of crazy travel, running, weather, food, wine, tequila, and fun!