Jan 26, 2016 | DisneyWorld, Racewalking, Running
As part of my returning to my roots in 2016, I said I was going to race more for charity. Well, I haven’t decided on a Team Challenge run yet for CCFA, but I am raising money for Noah’s Light Foundation as part of my Star Wars Darkside Challenge in April. I was already registered for this, so every dollar you donate goes directly to Noah’s Light. None of it supports my race habit or the expensive hotel rooms! I’ve got that part covered.
Jan 5, 2016 | Coachella, Travel
This week, as most of my carefully curated online feed is all a buzz with runDisney races and news, I still have a few hold overs breaking down the Coachella 2016 lineup. I am always more excited about Coachella than a race. I am always more excited about Coachella than Hawaii. No one ever asks me if I’m excited about Coachella. So I’ll just tell you without being asked.
Nov 12, 2015 | #runDisney, DisneyWorld, Epcot F&W, Food, Running, Travel
I’ll answer the main question first: Disneyland! Where was I yesterday: San Diego. On Monday: Disneyworld. The week before: New York. It’s been a non-stop whirlwind of crazy travel, running, weather, food, wine, tequila, and fun!
Oct 26, 2015 | #runDisney, DisneyWorld, Epcot F&W, Running
I’m a night runner. Running in the morning is the worst thing on earth, but come 6 p.m. or 8 or especially 10 and I’m ready to run!
Oct 21, 2015 | Food, France 2015, Restaurants, Travel
When we arrived a bit early at the Eiffel Tower (la tour d’eiffel–I have such a hard time saying it in English) for our 1:30 Jules Verne lunch, the day had already not gone as planned.
Oct 11, 2015 | Travel
I’m still coughing. Since June. Yes I’ve been to the doctor. This pug photo has nothing to do with my coughing, but he looks so concerned. (more…)