Nov 18, 2013 | Team Challenge
That is all. With your help, I raised somewhere around $11,000 for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. It’s hard to say how much exactly because with the departure of our Endurance Manager, also went the confirmed data. Ah well, I know what we did.
Nov 15, 2013 | #runDisney, Running
Le Mops shows off the Coast to Coast medal. (more…)
Oct 22, 2013 | Running
I have no allegiance, but I strapped on some purple shoes (and black capris with purple stripe) and headed out to run what ended up being the hilliest 10k I’ve ran, and I did that Duvall 10k that was straight uphill at the beginning. Seriously, who would want to go UW with all those hills?
Oct 21, 2013 | Running, Thought
I recently became a brand ambassador for ENERGYbits. And I rarely pitch products on here, but these I love. Plus, you can get 20% off with promo code PUGLIFE!
A few months ago, I heard fellow runners evangelizing on how amazing ENERGYbits were, and I knew I had to try them. I am allergic to almost everything in common running fuel; the more natural it is, the more likely I am to be allergic (hello coconut sweeteners).
Oct 17, 2013 | Polar Lunacy, Running, Team Challenge
….yes, I know, it’s been a while. I have been absolutely swamped with work, running, and, well, work. It feels like I work more hours than I have available. I know you’re supposed to find the time to do whatever your heart desires, but sometimes that just doesn’t happen.
Oct 13, 2013 | Running
Perhaps the twisted body, boobs flailing run isn’t the best for look or pace! I was looking at the camera, posing and of course he snaps as I stop posing. Geesh.

Sep 22, 2013 | Thought
Watch this video…
For cynics, there is a response video:
Sep 21, 2013 | Running
Some days, you just truly need to sleep in. Sleep through practice. Sleep through breakfast. Sleep through the morning.
If your life is anything like mine, sleeping in doesn’t mean you’re catching up on all that missed sleep or that the bags will disappear from beneath your eyes. It might mean you were up all night, your mind racing, or that the dogs were crazy. It might mean you haven’t had a break in a while and sleeping in is not by choice but because you’re just exhausted.
Sep 12, 2013 | Running, Thought
I don’t know where my running future lies, but I keep going. I’ve never had a feeling of euphoria. Running does not provide stress relief or clear my mind. I don’t even like it. I run because I told my mom (and everyone who has donated a dollar to me) I would keep running and fundraising until she had a medicine that worked for her.
When I started running a few years ago, I couldn’t make it to the end of the block. I wanted to do a 5k with a 20 minute mile pace and I don’t know that I could have done it, honestly! I started C25k and it was hard. I didn’t really time myself for a while until I started training with Team Challenge. I was at about a 12 minute mile. I got to about a 10:30 minute average if I really pushed it. I fell all the time, but I was running! Strangely, since I was not part of any running group, I was perfectly happy with my time. There was no one to make me feel bad about running so slow! I didn’t even know I was that slow.
Sep 2, 2013 | #runDisney
Dragon is sleeping, so I figured I’d write this now….Dumbo Double Dare is over and I survived.