3 10ks in 3 Weeks

Tomorrow is the first of the three 10ks in three weeks. AND the third one is the first half of the Dumbo Double Dare. What was I thinking? I should have added a fourth!

Color Me Rad 5k recap

Color Me Rad 5k recap

This recap won’t take very long to write. The race was a ridiculous mess. I signed up with several people as a team for the 9:20 wave. I ran with Artboy and couldn’t have been done fast enough.


DotA2 The International 3

DotA2 The International 3


Donkey Courier watching an early match

I’m not all running all the time. Artboy works at Valve, most recently on a game called Dota2. Recently they held The International 3, and I went down and watched and hung out him. Here are a few photos of the winners Alliance from Sweden before and after their win!


Alliance heading on stage for the Grand Finale. Last game was sensational. I could’t have written it better.


Confetti for the winners


A winner, his girl, a lucky bear, and the Aegis (trophy).


Alliance wins!

You can be part of a team

I’m not a Team Challenge mentor. Not because I don’t want to guide people to awesome, but because I travel and race a lot. I will, for instance, miss the first five practices because I will be racing or out of town racing. Can’t mentor when I’m absent.

Still, I have to encourage you to be part of Team Challenge Northwest running in Vegas.


Ballard Night Out

I know, it’s just Night Out, but it was Ballard I was running through huffing and puffing and sweating while everyone grilled up some goodies. I run in the evening. I was waiting for it to cool down a bit. I went out about 6:30 p.m. and weaved through dozens of Night Our block parties, missing my own block’s party, because I need to run. I have to run. I can’t make excuses. So that pink haired girl sweating like a hog as she ran through your block party would have liked a smile at least. Oh well, I got my running in. Poorly. It was not a good run, either physically or mentally. Tomorrow is another day!

Feeling exhausted

So I’m running again (If you can call it that) and practicing some race walking.  I also fell and scraped my hand and calf on the awesome sidewalks in my neighborhood. Ah well. I am taking it incredibly easy with one minute runs and one minute walks, keeping a light pace. I feel okay, actually I feel absolutely fine, but I am exhausted. It’s extremely draining. After three miles, I feel as if I ran 30. It will get better.

I was also thinking all this extra weight on me would slow me down in Norway, but after reading more blogs, I think it might keep me warm!

So it begins…

It’s August 1. And I went for a run. Sort of. I ran 1 minute and walked 1  minute, for three miles or so. It was okay.

  • Weight: 148.8
  • Pace: 14:20
  • Pain: Minimal
  • Days to Polar Night 1/2: 154
  • Days to next Race: 8

It can only get better.


Finish Line

Crossing the finish line during the Duvall Centennial Half Marathon, part of the Duvall Double.

Crossing the finish line during the Duvall Centennial Half Marathon, part of the Duvall Double.

Itching to move

I may not like running, but I know when I’m behind in training. I did two 3 mile walks (with a zoo visit in between) on Sunday. The all walking 3-miles was actually faster than the I’ll run a little and see how I feel 3 miles. Tomorrow I aim for five (walking again)!
