Jan 6, 2016 | Running, Thought
It’s January and I’m already writing this. It took a while in 2016, to say the least. I don’t set goals, choosing instead to live with intent and meaning, but I do shift my focus each year as far as running is concerned. Here I go: what will I be focusing on with my running in 2016?
Jan 5, 2016 | Coachella, Travel
This week, as most of my carefully curated online feed is all a buzz with runDisney races and news, I still have a few hold overs breaking down the Coachella 2016 lineup. I am always more excited about Coachella than a race. I am always more excited about Coachella than Hawaii. No one ever asks me if I’m excited about Coachella. So I’ll just tell you without being asked.
Dec 2, 2015 | FitFam
So in the middle of all the crazy that was my November, something super exciting happened: Gametiime morphed into FitFam and launched its first two events! And, drumroll please, I have signed on to promote the mission as an Ambassador.
Dec 2, 2015 | Running, Thought
Why being an Ambassador helped me decide not to run the Seattle Marathon. This year has been a serious of unfortunate events, and they haven’t stopped yet. I didn’t run the Seattle Marathon. It broke my heart a little.
Nov 12, 2015 | #runDisney, DisneyWorld, Epcot F&W, Food, Running, Travel
I’ll answer the main question first: Disneyland! Where was I yesterday: San Diego. On Monday: Disneyworld. The week before: New York. It’s been a non-stop whirlwind of crazy travel, running, weather, food, wine, tequila, and fun!
Nov 1, 2015 | Running, Thought
I am bad with rules. One of the many reasons why running has stuck longer than any other “sport” for me. I am also not one for unnecessary effort, and with running I only let myself down, so I only have to put the amount of effort in that I want to right at that moment. Running and laziness may seem like they don’t go together, but bear with me for a moment.
Oct 26, 2015 | #runDisney, DisneyWorld, Epcot F&W, Running
I’m a night runner. Running in the morning is the worst thing on earth, but come 6 p.m. or 8 or especially 10 and I’m ready to run!
Oct 26, 2015 | Running
On Saturday, I ran my favorite trail: East Lake Sammamish in Redmond, starting from the edge of Marymoor Park. This is significant because this section of the trail had been closed for a while and reopened recently.
Oct 23, 2015 | Running
A recent #runchat Twitter question revolved around keeping sweat out of your eyes while running, and I was shocked more people didn’t know about my favorite running addition: Handana.
Oct 21, 2015 | Food, France 2015, Restaurants, Travel
When we arrived a bit early at the Eiffel Tower (la tour d’eiffel–I have such a hard time saying it in English) for our 1:30 Jules Verne lunch, the day had already not gone as planned.