Oct 20, 2015 | Running
While No Guilt Life is helping inspire me to write more, today’s Tuesdays on the Run topic is one of those bizarre ones: Inspiring others to run. My blog probably isn’t inspiring very many people to run, but I do have a few friends who have told me that I inspire them. I love that my running inspires other people, but that’s not something I aim for really, not even with this rather self-indulgent blog.
Oct 15, 2015 | Running, Seattle Marathon 10k
I’m breaking from my normal routine to let you know that prices for the Seattle Marathon are going up tomorrow. So this is your last chance to register at the amazingly low, low price of $125 for the full or $95 for the half. Register now, don’t wait!
Oct 13, 2015 | Running
The Tuesdays on the Run topic from the lovely ladies at No Guilt Life, Mama’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs is balancing work/life/running….which is something that has been on my mind quite a bit lately. Indulge me while my wanders onto this page.
Oct 11, 2015 | Travel
I’m still coughing. Since June. Yes I’ve been to the doctor. This pug photo has nothing to do with my coughing, but he looks so concerned. (more…)
Sep 20, 2015 | Food, France 2015, Restaurants, Travel
For Saturday night in Paris, I did a search on the Fork to see what popped up, looking for a gem in case one of the other reservations didn’t happen. Well, as it turns out, all of our reservations panned out, but we were so intrigued by the restaurant I found that we kept the reservation. Sola is a japanese fusion restaurant helmed by Yoshitake Hiroki with two floors, the bottom being a cave where diners eat on the floor without shoes. We didn’t get to eat in the cave, but we had one of the most thoughtful and well-crafted meals we’ve ever been served.
Sep 19, 2015 | France 2015, Restaurants, Travel
I’m writing this now while the experience is fresh in my mind, despite my lack of wi-fi–perhaps more as a cathartic treatment to allow myself to move pass the experience.
Sep 10, 2015 | France 2015, Restaurants, Road to Medoc, Travel
Having a couple days to explore before we needed to be in Bordeaux for the race, we decided to visit Versailles. Yes, this is an easy day trip from Paris, but wanting to relax before the marathon, we decided to stay in Versailles, which also gave us a chance to explore more of the grounds without worrying about trains. We chose the Trianon Palace Versailles to rest our heads, which happens to have a two Michelin Starred restaurant–Gordon Ramsay–we couldn’t pass up.
Sep 7, 2015 | Food, France 2015, Road to Medoc, Travel
After a brief interlude in the British Airlines Terraces Lounge where I gorged on cheese and mini sandwiches, we boarded our flight to London. I normally hang out at the Alaska Boardroom lounge but since Terraces was directly next to our gate, we visited to see the mountain out the windows. (more…)
Sep 7, 2015 | Road to Medoc, Running
After a couple years of no falls, my count has reset: zero days since last fall. I won’t show you the nasty oozy bloody cut under the bandage, but it’s bad. I also hurt my ankle and my shoulder….but mostly I will be super sexy in Paris with scabby knees! This is what happens when you are thinking about food while running in Ballard. Stupid broken sidewalks with rocks embedded in cement.
Sep 3, 2015 | Food, Road to Medoc, Running, Travel
The Road to Medoc is coming to an end very soon. Welp! I leave for France in just a few days for a wine and run adventure like no other (and if you know of another, let me know!).