Eat Run Hope

Eat Run Hope

Last year, I decided to run a last minute 5k so I could eat! No surprise there. And while I expected the food to be amazing in the Ethan Stowell hosted event, I didn’t expect the 5k to be so organized, as most 5ks I run don’t have chip timers nor even a real finish line, and those don’t have food fests that follow! Plus, the Fetal Health Foundation is a truly worthy cause to support. With Eat Run Hope, I stumbled upon a great 5k all on its own with the bonus of an amazing food (and drink) fest. This year, you should join Team Pugnacious for this great event and cause.


2015 Running Focus

2015 Running Focus

Every year I have a new focus for my running. In 2011, I just wanted to run my first race and figure out what this running this is all about. Check. In 2012, I worked on my speed so I wouldn’t freeze during the Polar Night Half in January of 2014. Check. In 2014, I worked on growing my distance to the Full Marathon for Dopey, strengthening for the back to back runs, and finishing with a smile on my face. With lots of speed workout and temp runs, check! For 2015, I am working on three things that I hope will work together for a fun race in Medoc: the fastest 10k time possible, getting comfortable with 26.2 miles, and running with booze.


Treadmill Inclines

Treadmill Inclines

This speed training I picked up from the Internet, most likely this Runner’s World article. It’s on the Treadmill, which I know most people dread, but I actually enjoy. I don’t enjoy mind-numbingly long runs on it, but I do enjoy using it for interval and incline training–short fun sessions. I don’t know what this workout is really called, but I put Treadmill Incline on my training tracking spreadsheet.


Quick Pyramid Session

Last night, the Seattle Marathon Twitter chat (#RunSeattleChat) was about picking up speed to avoid the 90 Bridge Bus. That, by the way, is my goal for both the RnR and the Seattle Marathon: don’t get picked up before crossing the bridge. One of the questions was about speed work; now this is my favorite topic, basically because its the only time I really enjoy running. So with inspiration pushing me ahead, I figured I’d share some of my favorite speed sessions. (What, I’m starting a blog series!?!?)


Snohomish Women’s Half

Snohomish Women’s Half

Race two of the new season went better than race one with the exception of a toe I slammed on a bench the night before. I woke up with a swollen bruised, very broken toe. Running funny on a broken toe made my calf stiffen up and made my gait a little crazy. (more…)

Gelinaz Shuffle

Gelinaz Shuffle

It’s shocking to me that the Gelinaz Shuffle isn’t sold out yet!!! I set alarms to remind me to buy tickets to the only local restaurant participating and was ready when the tickets went on sale a bit early. I nabbed a two top for the Willow’s Inn dinner with surprise chef! We wanted a table for four, but my preparedness wasn’t fast enough! But there are only a handful of the events sold out, so there is still time for you to experience this amazing culinary mix-up.