Why you should train…really!

Why you should train…really!

I’m not the best at training. I skip runs. I walk when I should be running. I stop and take photos. I do lots of things that have very little to making myself a better runner. That’s why I sign up for so may races, so that I’m forced to run.


“The internet is 95 percent porn and spam”
― Margaret Atwood

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Great Movie Ride Wedding

Great Movie Ride Wedding

So for the last however long, some of you have known I was getting married, but the location was super secret. See, we wanted the wedding to be a total surprise for our guests, so I couldn’t talk about it online. Well the cat is out of the bag. While the actual ceremony was held at Seabreeze Point, the reception was at the Great Movie Ride. Yes, inside the ride.


It’s done! We got hitched

It’s done! We got hitched

So we finally made it super official and had a wedding, complete with reception for our friends and family. I can guarantee you that my wedding was probably crazier than yours, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think yours is awesome too. It just didn’t have all this!


I may be Dopey but…

I may be Dopey but…

I could write a recap, but it was four days of running and it was cold and then hot and then cold and then hot, and there were Disney things. I rode Expedition Everest during the half–achievement unlocked. So because who needs another recap, I share just the photos.


Quadzuki Done

Quadzuki Done

You won’t get many pictures because it rained on Friday, no it sleeted and dumped buckets on Friday morning, and my phone died. I hadn’t done a cloud backup in a while. So yeah that’s Quadzuki 2014 for you. That’s me above at the Seattle Ghost.


Disney Pre-Wedding

Disney Pre-Wedding

When we booked our amazing photographers, we received an engagement shoot. Despite the lack of actual engagement, we did some pre-wedding photos. Here are just a few.


Recap: Yellowstone Half Marathon

This is a bit of a work in progress as I still have to find all the photos taken during the race and post those, but I wanted to get these words out of my head so I can write other stuff.

So the Yellowstone Half Marathon….it was well, challenging.
